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Internship Positions 2024

Group (Institute) Research Area
Project Title(s)
Duration in weeks Student Background
Vasileia Ismini Alexaki (TUD Medical Campus) Neuroinflammation, metabolic disease, chronic systemic inflammation, polyamine metabolism, AZIN2, SSAT, glucocorticoid signaling, GR, microglia, astrocytes, neurons
The role of polyamine metabolism in the metabolically stressed brain
12 Life sciences
Vasileia Ismini Alexaki (TUD Medical Campus) Neuroinflammation, metabolic disease, chronic systemic inflammation, polyamine metabolism, AZIN2, SSAT, glucocorticoid signaling, GR, microglia, astrocytes, neurons
The role of glucocorticoid signaling in neuroinflammation in metabolic disease
12 Life sciences
Jan Brugués (TUD PoL) Biophysics, Cell Biology, Theory
Mechanics of chromatin in cytoplasmic extracts
12 Physics, biology, bioengineering, theory
Jan Brugués (TUD PoL) Biophysics, Cell Biology, Theory
Inferring microtubule kinetics from velocity fluctuations
12 Physics, biology, bioengineering, theory
Denis Corbeil (TUD BIOTEC) Cell Biology: Cancer, CD133, Cell division, Extracellular vesicle, Lipid droplet, Mitochondrion
Characterization of a new type of extracellular vesicles released by malignant melanoma cells during cell division
12 Life sciences, molecular and cell biology
Benjamin Friedrich (TUD PoL, TUD cfaed) Theoretical biophysics, morphogenesis, modelling, simulating, image analysis
Theoretical description of pattern scaling in growing and regenerating tissues
12 Physics, mathematics, computer science
Marcus Jahnel (TUD PoL) Biophysics, Cell Biology, Theory
Measuring material properties of biomolecular condensates with optical tweezers
12 Life sciences or physics (any background is welcomed)
Marcus Jahnel (TUD PoL) Biophysics, Cell Biology, Theory
Exploring the co-evolution of disordered proteins and regulatory RNA structures
12 Computer science, physics, or life sciences (other backgrounds are welcomed)
James Sáenz (TUD B CUBE) Synthetic biology, membrane biophysics, lipids, RNA, origin of life
Resurrecting ancestral lipidomes with tuneable minimal cell membranes
12 Life science, engineering, computer science, medicine (any background is welcomed)
James Sáenz (TUD B CUBE) Synthetic biology, membrane biophysics, lipids, RNA, origin of life
Exploring the RNA-lipid world from origins to bioengineering
12 Life science, engineering, computer science, medicine (any background is welcomed)
Shervin Safavi (TUD Medical Campus) Computational neuroscience, systems neuroscience, neural data science
Investigating criticality in neural systems (searching for the signatures of criticality in neural data, and/or biophysical modeling of critical networks)
12 Physics, mathematics, neuroscience, computer science (other backgrounds are also welcomed)
Shervin Safavi (TUD Medical Campus) Computational neuroscience, systems neuroscience, neural data science
Multi-scale analysis of neural data with topological data analysis (TDA)
12 Physics, mathematics, neuroscience, computer science (other backgrounds are also welcomed)
Michael Sieweke (TUD CRTD) Immunology
Analysis of the role of lipids in macrophage proliferation [→ Info PDF]
24 Life science, medicine, engineering
Michele Solimena (TUD PLID) Molecular Cell Biology, Diabetes, Immunology
Effect of inflammatory cytokines on Coxsackie virus infected pancreatic beta cells regarding biosynthesis of secretory granules and beta cell function
12 Life sciences
Charlotte Steenblock (TUD Medical Campus) Adrenal gland, adrenal stem cells, lineage tracing, stress, sexual dimorphism
Investigating the plasticity of adrenocortical progenitors during stress adaptation
12 Life sciences
Alexander Wurm (TUD Medical Campus) Translational Oncology, Molecular Biology
Deciphering the role of novel genetic dependencies in colorectal cancer
12 Life sciences, medicine