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Dresdner Aktionstag Demenz

3:00 pm — 8:00 pm


CRTD Events

The CRTD together with the Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE), Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden and Volkshochschule Dresden e.V. will present a new event format for the scientific hub of Dresden: the Dresdner Aktionstag Demenz. This information and action day will group together for the first time a broad range of topics relating to the disease “dementia”.

The program provides an opportunity for exchange of dialogue and information (by/with e.g. authorities, self-help groups and care facilities) and also includes talks given by researchers. The first presentation will provide a clinical perspective of the disease and will be followed by a presentation of research approaches. The event will culminate with a discussion about the prevention of dementia. All residents of Dresden and those interested are sincerely invited to attend this event. There is no entry fee.