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A key focus of life science in the DIGS-BB is Biochemistry. A range of fascinating research topics and of state-of-the-art technologies are represented in our graduate school to understand the molecular basis of life. Lipid biochemistry, biochemistry of the cell cycle and of protein turnover, RNA biochemistry, immuno-biochemistry, biochemical diabetology, biochemistry of chromosome-associated proteins, biochemistry of adhesion proteins/polysaccharides and biomatrices, protein folding and much more is worked on in the DIGS-BB, typically with intimate links to the other research areas of the DIGS-BB. Besides all the core biochemical methods from protein purification to enzyme assays, special technologies that are available include lipidomics, proteomics, cryo-EM, microscale thermophoresis, surface plasmon resonance analysis, and high-throughput platforms for identification of interacting molecules.

© Coskun Group

Research Groups

© Katrin Boes

Simon Alberti

TUD BIOTEC Organization of cytoplasm across space and time

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Ünal Coskun

TUD PLID Membrane Biochemistry of Cell Signaling

© Frank Möller

Maria Fedorova

TUD Medical Campus Lipid Metabolism: Analysis and Integration

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Hani Harb

TUD Medical Campus Infectious Immunology

© Stephan Wiegand

Rolf Jessberger

TUD MTZ Chromosome Dynamics and Hematopoietic Cell Biology

Elisha Krieg

IPF DNA Nanotechnology: building programmable materials and nanometer-scale devices

© TUD CMCB, Magdalena Gonciarz

Nils Kröger

TUD B CUBE, TUD PoL Biomineralization, Bioadhesion, Nano-Biotechnology

© Jan Greune

Felix Müller-Planitz

TUD MTZ Epigenetics and Chromatin: How chromatin forms and how it affects cellular functions

Mirko Schmidt

TUD Medical Campus Understanding the brain and curing its diseases

Bernd Schröder

TUD MTZ Proteolytic control of membrane trafficking and signal transduction